Facebook has stated in its Video FAQ that "Users will not be able to export or download videos from Facebook." But There are ways to prove them wrong,two of them are as follows :
1.)Using a Mozilla Firefox Add-on named "facebook video" =>
*This addon allows Facebook users to share personal videos with their friends outside of Facebook. This adds features that Facebook refuses to implement.The download, convert video, and customize code links are added to Facebook video pages in an unobtrusive way.
*Also embed code for the video is provided .
*The download link is a direct link to the video file.
*The convert link leads to Zamzar.com where a user can convert the video to several formats and receive a link in an email to download the converted version.
*The customize code link opens a dialog to change the resolution of the embed code. Once the user selects "Update" the embed code in the box is changed to reflect the users preferences and the video will also be replaced so that they can view the immediate result of their changes.
**Links will appear on video pages to the right of the video.
2.) Neatest way is the website => www.downloadfacebookvideo.net

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